At Simplify Consulting we work hard to look after our environment and help people.  We invest time into reducing our impact on the environment and raising money to help local charities and communities.   We always strive to work with integrity – respecting each other, our clients and suppliers and community, working with the best of intentions and humility, reliability and honesty.  This is at the core of our values and behaviours.

We are so pleased to announce that we have been rewarded for our efforts.

Our application for CSR Accreditation was assessed by an independent panel and we have been awarded GOLD CSR Accreditation.

We have been on our CSR journey over the last 18 months and have now fully integrated our policies and initiatives into the ethos of Simplify Consulting.

In order to achieve CSR Accreditation, we had to demonstrate the changes and impact that we have made to the CSR Accreditation four pillars of activity – environment, workplace, philanthropy, and community.

This has covered various activities including:

  • Fundraising for our chosen charities – Annual Golf Day, quiz nights and physical challenges
  • New policies to support our CSR and environmental initiatives
  • Reducing our company and personal carbon footprint – Do Nation Challenge
  • Eco-friendly facilities – Recycling points, housekeeping products and sustainable suppliers
  • Flexible working – hybrid working arrangements
  • Sponsorship – 721 Challenge, Golf Professionals and Junior Section of Wellow Golf Club
  • Community Partnerships – local schools
  • Employee engagement and wellbeing – Benefits

We are now moving into the next chapter of our journey which is working towards reducing our carbon footprint and building strong relationships with our local community and schools.  We are also ensuring that our environmental impact contributes to all of the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Keep up the great work Team Simplify!


Kirstin Brooks

Business Support Manager