Simplicity is a core value at Simplify. We strive to embed Simplicity in everything we do. Achieving this requires discipline, pragmatism, and expertise. We developed Simplify DNA to provide frameworks, methodologies, and tools, created from collective knowledge and experience of the Wealth industry.

Wealth Management is perceived as notoriously complex. Consolidation of legacy books and platforms alongside satisfying demanding Regulators are known industry challenges. Add to these Customer expectations, cost pressures and the need to attract and retain talent. All resulting in operational challenges that compete for change resources and sponsorship.

In this environment optimising interlinked processes and customer journeys across sourcing solutions can be like unravelling spaghetti!

What areas can support Simplicity?

Strategy & Objectives

  • Be clear what you are aiming for. Alignment between Strategy, Change and BAU objectives is critical for effective prioritisation and planning – where are you going and what does success look like? A ‘north star’ avoids costly distractions.
  • Target Operating Models underpinned by design principles brings Strategy and Objectives to life. There may be need for deviation, but it should be conscious, considered and accepted.
  • Whilst sometimes unavoidable, reactive change is inefficient. Change driven by business ambition and planned effectively will avoid duplication and make best use of resources.

Simplify DNA supports Strategy & Objectives through development of practical Operating Models and effective Project Management.

I asked Lead consultant Dom about Simplicity on a recent client engagement:

“We worked with a client who had the challenge of multiple legacy products and systems – created through rapid expansion without a clear understanding of what they were as a business. We supported them to articulate their Strategy and Op Model ambitions.”

Know Your Processes

It is basic but it is also surprisingly rare to see maintained and holistic processes. A process Taxonomy (list of your processes) and comprehensive process maps support efficient Regulatory change and Operations Optimisation. Process steps are important but detail such as hand offs, roles, and controls add colour to where you are starting when tackling change. It is critical these are owned and kept up to date – simplifying future changes.

Simplify DNA supports holistic and consistent Process Mapping and Optimisation.

Regulatory Horizon Scanning

That old saying “death, taxes and Mandatory Change”….. Aside from a brief respite during Covid, Regulatory change is a constant challenge in Financial Services. Keeping up to date on the landscape and informed impact analysis avoids surprises. How can regulatory change complement other business priorities? How can implementation be made more efficient through effective planning and scheduling? What will the big disruptors to your operations be?


We need a new word for Governance that doesn’t make people groan! However, timely and informed decision making based on effective analysis will drive more efficient change and avoid complexity. These structures must be proportionate but can save time and complexity when operated effectively. Sponsors and Steering Committees are critical to tackling complexity.

I asked Lead Consultant Jayne about Simplicity on a recent client engagement:

“We added structure and governance to our client’s approach. Identified capacity and what could be feasibly achieved and what would need to wait. We ringfenced resources and allowed focus start to finish on items to allow completion. Change and BAU have been separated to allow each to operate in its own space.”

Simplify DNA tools and templates to support effective structures and controls that are disciplined but pragmatic.

In conclusion – Simplicity, won’t happen by itself – it needs discipline, proactive sponsors, an aligned purpose – and effort. But your customers, colleagues and cost base will thank you for it!

At Simplify we can support you with tools, structures, and expertise in support of Simplicity and powered by Simplify DNA. Contact us for more details at

Emma Norris

Head of Portfolio


Emma Norris

Head of Portfolio