Strategy & Operating Model

Operating Model Definition, Bid Support & Management and Market Review



A fully independent consultancy you can trust. We provide impartial, tailored and valued advice and expertise across Wealth Management.

As industry experts we understand the importance of defining and executing strategy. By focusing exclusively within Wealth Management we offer you unique insight and recommendations to achieve your mission.  Our consultants work across the industry to develop your propositions, business and technology architecture and operating models.

Our services include:

  • Market Reviews
  • Strategy Definition
  • Current, Transitional and Target Operating Models
  • Bid Management Support (Buy & Sell Side)
  • Strategy Execution

Our range of tools allow you to navigate a rapidly evolving technology and regulatory landscape. We create solutions that deliver your short and long-term business goals.



Examples of Relevant Client Engagements

DFM Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Assurance
A DFM independently reviewed strategic options to support the business going forward and decided to investigate a Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) arrangement to address their...
Strategy & Operating Model
Platform Business Case Development & Transformation
We worked closely with a major platform provider to define the target operating model for their advised retirement proposition. The platform wanted to achieve greater...
Strategy & Operating Model
Outsourcing Strategy Definition
We worked with a leading European Life & Pensions Consolidator to identify their strategy for potential outsourcing of their IT infrastructure and business processing. There...
Strategy & Operating Model

Related Services

Operational Excellence
Process Optimisation, Capacity Planning and Operational Subject Matter Expertise
Project Delivery, Analysis & Testing
Programme / Project Management, Business Analysis, Test Management & Execution
Risk & Regulation
Control Environment Assessment, Risk Framework Definition and Regulatory Change Delivery